Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Exploring A Therapy for Personal Growth and Insight

At New Directions Psychiatry PLLC, we offer psychodynamic psychotherapy, an insightful approach that delves into the deeper roots of mental and emotional challenges. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is based on the understanding that our past experiences, relationships, and unconscious thoughts significantly impact our present behaviors, emotions, and patterns of relating to others.

This form of therapy focuses on exploring unconscious thoughts, emotions, and relational patterns to gain a deeper understanding of oneself. Psychodynamic therapy has a long history as a therapeutic approach, and many patients find benefit in the power of psychodynamic therapy as a transformative tool for personal insight and growth. Dr. Whitney Gilley is trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy and can facilitate your journey of self-exploration and understanding, helping you gain insight into your inner world, fostering personal growth, and making lasting positive change in your life.

What is Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?

Psychodynamic Therapy, also known as Insight-Oriented Therapy, is a therapeutic approach rooted in the understanding that our current thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are deeply influenced by our past experiences and unconscious processes.

Our past experiences, especially in early childhood, can shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in the present. By exploring unconscious processes, psychodynamic therapy helps uncover underlying conflicts, unresolved issues, and unconscious patterns that may contribute to current challenges or distress. By bringing these unconscious factors to conscious awareness, psychodynamic psychotherapy allows individuals to gain insight into their thoughts, emotions, and patterns of behavior.

During psychodynamic therapy sessions, Dr. Gilley will listen attentively, encouraging you to freely express your thoughts, emotions, and even dreams. She will help you explore your early life experiences, relationships, and the ways in which these factors influence your current thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. Through this exploration, you can gain insights into patterns that may have been holding you back and develop a greater understanding of yourself.

In psychodynamic therapy, the therapeutic relationship plays a central role. Through open and supportive dialogue, you will have the opportunity to explore thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a non-judgmental, safe environment. You and your psychiatrist will delve into the underlying causes of your challenges, examining early life experiences, relationships, and unresolved conflicts that may contribute to your current emotional struggles.

The focus of psychodynamic therapy is on increasing self-awareness and insight, enabling individuals to understand the root causes of their difficulties. By uncovering and processing unconscious thoughts and emotions, you can gain clarity about your patterns of behavior and relating to others, develop a deeper understanding of yourself, and make meaningful changes in your life.

If you are seeking deep personal insight and growth, psychodynamic therapy may be the right choice for you.

Take the first step on a transformative journey towards a more fulfilling and authentic life—contact New Directions Psychiatry PLLC today to request an appointment.

Psychodynamic Therapy can help with:


Psychodynamic therapy explores the underlying causes and unconscious dynamics that contribute to depressive symptoms. It provides individuals with a deeper understanding of their emotional struggles and empowers them to make positive changes in their lives.. More about Depression.


Psychodynamic therapy helps individuals gain insight into the underlying fears, conflicts, and unresolved issues that contribute to anxiety symptoms. By addressing these root causes, individuals can develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce anxiety levels. More about Anxiety.

Childhood Trauma

Psychodynamic therapy is especially valuable in addressing the impact of childhood trauma. It assists individuals in exploring and processing traumatic experiences, understanding the ways in which they shape their thoughts, emotions, and relationships, and fostering healing and resilience. More about Trauma.

Relationship Issues

Psychodynamic therapy explores patterns of behavior and unconscious dynamics that impact relationships. It helps individuals gain insight into their relational patterns, address unresolved conflicts, and develop healthier ways of relating to others.

Self-Exploration and Personal Growth

Psychodynamic therapy provides a space for individuals to explore their identities, values, and life goals. It promotes self-discovery, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of oneself.

How Can Psychodynamic Therapy Help?

  1. Self-awareness and insight:

    Psychodynamic therapy provides a unique opportunity to gain deep self-awareness and insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By understanding the unconscious factors driving your choices and actions, you can make more informed decisions and work towards personal growth.

  2. Healthier Relationships:

    Unconscious patterns and unresolved conflicts can affect your relationships. Psychodynamic therapy helps you identify and address these dynamics, improving your ability to form and maintain healthy relationships.

  3. Emotional Healing:

    Exploring and processing past experiences can lead to emotional healing and resolution. By bringing buried emotions to the surface, you can work through unresolved feelings, reduce emotional distress, and foster emotional well-being.

  4. Behavioral Change:

    Psychodynamic therapy can help you identify and modify unhealthy behaviors rooted in unconscious patterns. By gaining insight into the underlying causes of these behaviors, you can make positive changes and adopt healthier coping strategies.

Why Choose New Directions Psychiatry PLLC for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy?

  1. Expertise:

    As a psychiatrist and physician, Dr. Gilley is highly trained in providing care for a wide variety of concerns. Her experience includes providing psychodynamic therapy for conditions including childhood trauma, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues and interpersonal difficulties. She stays up-to-date with the latest research in the field.

  2. Individualized Approach:

    Dr. Gilley recognizes that each person is unique, and tailors therapy to your specific needs and goals. She will work collaboratively with you, fostering a strong therapeutic alliance to support your journey of self-discovery and growth.

  3. Compassionate Support:

    New Directions Psychiatry PLLC provides a compassionate and non-judgmental space to freely explore your thoughts and emotions. Dr. Gilley is dedicated to your well-being, ensuring your comfort and confidentiality.

  4. Option for weekly therapy with your Dr.:

    All appointments at New Directions Psychiatry PLLC are directly with the doctor. This includes the option for weekly therapy appointments. To help accommodate the schedules for working professionals, we also offer Saturday appointments and flexible scheduling.

  5. Comprehensive Care:

    As a psychiatry practice, New Directions Psychiatry PLLC offers a wide range of treatment options including counseling, therapy, medication, and integrative options to support your mental health and provide a holistic approach to your treatment. Our goal is that you receive the most appropriate and effective care to help you meet your wellness goals.

At New Directions Psychiatry PLLC, psychiatrist Whitney Gilley, MD is committed to providing the support you need to enhance your emotional well-being and navigate life's challenges with resilience.

If you are ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth, contact New Directions Psychiatry PLLC to request an appointment for psychodynamic therapy. Dr. Gilley is here to support you on your path to greater self-awareness, healing, and lasting positive change.